Events selected by IPPR.
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Hear from the most influential speakers on the topics of recycling plastics and the economy
circular economy and connect with a network of top professionals.

Bando Ricircolo – filiere plastica e tessile

Bando Ricircolo – filiere plastica e tessile

Aumenta il consumo di materie plastiche riciclate, si riduce quello di plastiche vergini

Il Riciclo è una menzogna? I dati dicono il contrario.

CONAI: Bando per l’ecodesign degli imballaggi, avviata 11esima edizione. Termine invio domande 30.04.2024

CONAI: Bando per l’ecodesign degli imballaggi, avviata 11esima edizione. Termine invio domande 30.04.2024

IPPR participates at ECOMONDO

IPPR paertecipa a ECOMONDO 2023

At the former Ilva, the use of a technopolymer cuts emissions by 30%

Materie plastiche riciclate utilizzate in Italia – Analisi qualitativa

Recycled plastics used in Italy – Quantitative analysis

IPPR partecipa a PLAST

PPWR – il Regolamento Imballaggi in discussione è un problema per chi produce imballaggi e chi li utilizza …. ma non solo

Studies, Research
and Publications

When it comes to recycling plastics and sustainability, taking a scientific approach is not only useful, it is necessary. That’s why we select and share the most interesting studies, research and publications in our field.

News and updates

IPPR’s team selects and publishes the most interesting industry news:
Plastics and recycling, circular economy, technological innovations, laws and regulations.
All you need to stay up-to-date at all times.